Make It Through Mercury Retrograde: Crystal Lover Style

Hey Crystal Lovers! In true Mercury retrograde fashion there have been delays (especially that Garnet article, promise it’s not a figment of your imagination, it’s coming soon).

Since this season is upon us, now is an excellent time to discuss Mercury retrograde and our top 10 list of crystals to help you survive this energy.

So, what is this Mercury retrograde everyone’s talking about? Astronomically, it is when a planet in the sky appears to be moving backwards to us. It’s really just an optical illusion but those effects everyone talks about are not.

Mercury retrograde is known to disrupt communications, mess with electronics on all levels, and tinker with items that have small moving parts; just because life isn’t complicated enough * side eye*

In no particular order, here are the Crystal Spirit Spiritual Center top 10 Crystals to add to your crystal stash to work through this energy:


  • Aquamarine– This stone helps with courage. Mercury Retrograde is a time for review. Sometimes reflecting and reviewing lead to the need to speak up or act on something. Aquamarine is there to help give you the boost of confidence needed to get it done.


  • Rose Quartz – This one is for love, especially self-love. Mercury retrograde is notoriously known for putting off the vibe that things are slowing down or stalling. For some, when the signature of this energy hits, it’s easy to get frustrated about life not moving forward. It’s during this time that we can use the reminder to show ourselves some love. We’ve got a list of other stones for self-love too; you can check out that blog post here


  • Blue Lace Agate – This stone is good for calming. Let’s just keep it real here, communication can come to a standstill during this type of transit and this can lead to not just frustrations but full on breakdowns of not just your temper but also your ability to comprehend what is being communicated. Blue Lace Agate is excellent for helping you to keep your cool as you navigate the maze of Mercury Retrograde.

  • African Turquoise – This one is good for speaking your truth. While it’s always a good idea to stand in and speak your truth, like we’ve previously mentioned, that speaking part can be a bit difficult to get across clearly during this time of the year. That’s where African Turquoise can assist. In working with the teal color ray, this stone helps you to speak clearly, concisely, and from the heart.


  • Selenite – Ever have that conversation that’s just gone left real fast… yeah, us too. Try working with selenite. This powerful stone is meant to cleanse and purify. Whether you need to clear your other stones, or just need some quality time cuddling this crystal next to your throat chakra ( or someone else’s), this stone is great for cutting the ick and shaking that low vibrational mood that can happen after a funky interaction.


  • Hematite – We think Selenite is pretty great, but on this list, there is no stone more powerful than hematite to help shake the darkness. Whether conversations or just your own internal assessment, sometimes you may come across low vibrational energy that is tough to shake. Hematite saves the day by preventing any ick from attaching to you. We often recommend this stone for those who are energy workers or work in healing professions or toxic environments.

  • Amethyst – This one is great for stress and anxiety. If there is anything Mercury retrograde is more notorious for besides messing up communications and electronics, it’s the ability to create stress and anxiety where there is none. Sometimes themes in life or even certain people can trigger these emotions. Amethyst helps with tapping into your intuition and this can be useful when trying to control knee jerk reactions. Amethyst has got some other cool properties too. Check out our other blog post here


  • Citrine – This stone is excellent for positive communication. Given that Citrine naturally helps to stimulate a sunny disposition to the wearer, it only makes sense to have this one in your arsenal during a mercury retrograde. Being a great stone of abundance consciousness, it can also help you stay more aware of what you are investing your finances in. Check out our YouTube video or our blog post on the awesomeness that is Citrine Crystal.


  • Clear Quartz – Quartz is the ultimate programmable stone, meaning that you can work with it for anything you set an intention for. However, on its own, because of the clarity; it helps to clear up confusion and remove the “cobwebs” from communication keeping things as straightforward as possible.


That’s it for our top 10! We’ve got all these stones in stock at Crystal Spirit Spiritual Center. Before we get too much deeper into this retrograde season; make sure to stop by and make sure you are stocked up for yourself, friends, and family too!