Getting Metaphysical with the Crystal Citrine

In our blog post earlier this week we covered the geology of citrine. In this post we get to have a little bit more fun and look at the metaphysical properties of Citrine and the ways that you can work with it.

Citrine is commonly known as a go-to stone to work with for the purpose of manifesting financial abundance. While Citrine is an optimum choice for the uses of manifestation, it also has other metaphysical properties that are worth exploring.

According to Robert Simmons in his book ‘The Pocket Book of Stones’, he states that Citrine is also a stone of personal will and that it opens the inner door to increased clarity and creativity. Many of the properties that citrine holds help aid an individual in aligning with the energy of abundance. That’s right, abundance, in and of itself, has an energy that is “high vibrational”. Reader’s Digest version for those who are unfamiliar; think of a musical scale. The higher the note, the further up it is on the musical scale. Vibrational energy follows a similar pattern.

Since Citrine is a stone that opens a door for the user that allows increased clarity of thought and it also aides in enhancing creative vision. Along with these traits it is also known to enhance concentration, release negativity, help with fighting depression, fear, phobias and does so by a method called transmutation.

Transmutation is the process in which an energy starts in one form and becomes something else. An example of this would be when someone is upset because something didn’t go their way. If this person were working with Citrine, the citrine would allow them to see the higher reason for that situation not working out and, in that process, allowing them to walk into a feeling of gratitude instead of disappointment. While this is a slight oversimplification of the transmutation of energy, this example should provide a good baseline for why Citrine is such a powerful stone.

Citrine resonates with the solar plexus chakra and the energy of the sun. Because of this, it does have the ability to uplift the spirit of the wearer by inspiring motivation, personal drive, and transmutation of negative energies. All these things are required to be in alignment with abundance anyways making this stone a win-win. Citrine will raise your vibration the more that you work with it and the more that you raise your vibration, the more abundance will flow to you. The more gratitude Citrine inspires in you about your life, the more abundance will flow to you. Make sense?

Citrine is the birthstone for November and can brighten up any room while also inviting in good energy. Citrine also resonates with the goddesses Demeter, Sekhmet, and Persephone.

One cool trick to try is to keep a piece of citrine in your wallet for 30 full days to open financial opportunities.  If you own your own business, keep a piece in your register to bring a steady flow of money to you.

We have lots of types of citrine here at Crystal Spirit Spiritual Center. With all the amazing things that citrine can do to help your abundance flow, this stone is a must have! Stop by Crystal Spirit this weekend to pick out your very own abundance generator.