Working with Crystals

At Crystal Spirit we have a wide selection of Crystals to choose from for your various needs.  Many people will carry a small stone in their pocket to help them with their energetic needs for the day.  Say someone needs a bit more help with staying grounded in their body.  If that is the case, stones like Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz and Obsidian can help someone.  Who doesn’t have the joy of playing with Anxiety?  If you are one of the lucky few who plays with Anxiety, there are stones that have a natural form on Lithium in them like Lepidolite and Angel Phantom Quartz.  Just by having the Crystal next to you, you can begin receiving the benefits of them right away!  Often times we here people say they come to the shop just to soak up the positive vibes, what they are doing is enjoying the energy emanating from the Crystals and Stones!  Something you too can recreate at your own home!