What Exactly is Energy Healing?

So lately maybe you have been hearing people talking about Energy Healing, well, what exactly is energy healing anyways?  It is based on the principle that out bodies are made up of not only the physical matter, but also the energetic blueprint as well.  This energetic body can sometimes become damaged throughout life.  An energy worker has been trained from a variety of systems like Reiki, Healing Touch, etc. to be of help to those whose energetic body needs worked on.  It was put very simply one time by a young person that energy healing is like hands on prayer.  Every week we have a Reiki Share on Tuesday nights from 5pm-7pm, its a donation based event, come and experience first hand what energy work feels like.  When you try and explain something like energy work its like explaining to someone who has no idea what sweet is how sweet tastes!  Come and take a taste of it from any of our amazing energy workers of the day!