Rose Quartz Crystals

Rose Quartz Crystals

There is a pink crystal called Rose Quartz that is an amazing ally for anyone to have in their crystal arsenal.  Now what makes this crystal stand out from some of the other ones you may see in our shop?  Rose Quartz is all about self-love and love for others.  Very rarely does Rose Quartz grow in a natural point, so when you see rose quartz shaped in any way it has been altered by man.  Rose Quartz is typically found in a slab formation.

Now how could you use Rose Quartz to benefit your life?  Many people will carry a few loose tumbled Rose Quartz pieces with them in their pockets at times when they feel they need a little boost to their self-esteem.  Other people will wear a pendant or a bracelet for a similar effect.  Having a stone in ones Auric Field (in your pocket, or by wearing jewelry) can help fill in the cracks and holes that we all have and get from walking through life.  There is a feeling of balance and togetherness that one can have by working with Rose Quartz.

There are other ways to benefit from Rose Quartz as well.  A very simple and practical way is by gridding a room with rose quartz.  Gridding a room is simply putting stones in every corner of the room.  Gridding a room with Rose Quartz will bring a sense of self-love and love for others and your environment.

Rose Quartz wants to work with us, it wants to help us see how beneficial love can be for ourselves and those we surround ourselves with.

Rose Quartz, the stone of love!