Practitioner Hallway

Practitioner Hallway

At Crystal Spirit Spiritual Center, we are very proud of the fact that we have an entire wing of our store dedicated to a group of practitioners.  These practitioners work with an array of healing modalities and rent space from us on a monthly basis.  Having practitioners that call Crystal Spirit their home base is a great symbiotic relationship!

Some of the services offered by the practitioners in the hall are Massage, Reiki, Mediumship,  Psychic Reading, Classes and More!  Every one of them are available on an appointment basis.  Their information is on the website, and if you come down to the shop you can pick up one of their business cards up.

Having a group of healing practitioners at the store has been an incredible blessing for all of us here at Crystal Spirit!  We are all working together to be of service to the community one person at a time.  We are all like a patchwork quilt, interwoven with each other.  So come on down and explore what the practitioners have to offer!