Getting Metaphysical with the Crystal Labradorite

The geology of Labradorite is fascinating; this is truly a unique stone in the mineral kingdom. The esoteric and metaphysical properties are just as mind blowing.

Labradorite is a stone of magic! Inuit legend says that it fell as frozen fire from the northern lights. It helps to stimulate magic in your life by getting you moving. Often when we feel we are stuck in life; we simply need a little push from the universe and our higher selves to figure out what comes next.

Labradorite is the stone that is quite literally fluent in the universal language of serendipity and synchronicity.

Working with any crystal intentionally can stimulate the occurrence of synchronicity. What Labradorite does is help to control the frequency and speed in which they happen to you. Basically, it slows them down enough for you to fully observe them happening and the message that is trying to be delivered to your consciousness.

It’s safe to say that more than anything, it heightens your awareness of these universal breadcrumbs.

Along with these noticeable breadcrumbs, it is also common to experience an enhancement of any psychic abilities that you have. For example, if you are someone who can see auras, you may suddenly be able to see deeper or more colors of people and objects around you.

Labradorite can aide in clairvoyance ( clear vision), telepathy, astral travel, past-life recall, access to the akashic records, and most important for those on the spiritual path; facilitate communication with your higher guides, according to The Pocket Book of Stones by Robert Simmons.

As stone that stimulates gifts such as these; Labradorite also doubles down on its duties as a crystal ally by being a great crystal for protection, especially of one’s aura. This makes Labradorite an incredible stone for those who work in healing professions as this stone will help prevent any low vibrational energy that’s lingering from attaching to you.

It is a premiere stone for repelling unwanted energy and removes psychic debris and negativity. This makes Labradorite, along with Hematite a must have for those experiencing psychic attack (more on hematite in another post). It is worth mentioning that this stone is well suited for shamans, diviners, and healers simply because it is a given to sometimes run into low vibrational energy as you pursue your mission to uplift the collective consciousness and your community.

Labradorite also works on all chakras and helps nudge your intuition in the direction of doing the necessary inner work to evict outdated beliefs and programs that don’t serve your highest good. This crystal often holds more than one color so in chakra work, remember that while it does work on all the chakras, the color that is the strongest will work with that chakra more. A piece of labradorite that is primarily blue will resonate most with the throat chakra, so the throat chakra gets extra assistance as the stone works to balance your whole system.

This is also one of the best crystals to work with when significant change is taking place in your life and with that, it helps to increase self-confidence, inspiration, and will provide you with a sense of adventure. These energies are helpful as sudden and significant change can sometimes stimulate anxiety.

Labradorite puts forth an energy that is safe to explore alternate levels of consciousness and can assist with dream recall by stimulating mental sharpness, calming a busy mind, and helping you to process the things in life that are emotionally draining you so that they can be released.

When choosing labradorite jewelry, it’s important to keep your intention in mind for working with the stone. For example, if your intention is to work on your psychic gifts, wearing labradorite earrings will help you to develop clairaudience (clear hearing), telepathy, and clairvoyance ( clear vision).

In ring form, Labradorite is excellent for Reiki practitioners and healers because it helps to develop sensitivity in the hands for using the power of touch to heal.

Labradorite is a highly spiritual stone and because of that, it’s easier to pierce the spiritual veil. Just having this stone in your aura is enough to work with the energy, enhance your gifts, and contact your guides.

This crystal begins to work very quickly and the best thing about it is that it cannot be used for ill-will. It is a barrier stone and will protect you and your aura from all directions.

We’ve got a very large selection of raw, polished, and even carved labradorite here at Crystal Spirit Spiritual Center and we almost always have some form of it at all price ranges. Stop by the store this weekend and we’ll be happy to assist you in picking out the piece of Labradorite for you to help you on your spiritual journey.

Don’t forget to bookmark our blog as we’ll be talking about another radical gemstone next week!