Getting Metaphysical with the Crystal Garnet

The time has come crystal lovers; the metaphysical Garnet article!!! That retrograde sure did a number on getting this blog post out so if you don’t remember all the amazing geological properties about the Garnet family we talked about in our previous blog post, you can check that out here.

Garnets were popular gemstones considered equal in their beauty to another popular red gemstone, ruby. Pliny the Elder referred to the dark red type as carbunculus alabandicus with this stone being an important source for the markets during his time in what is now modern-day Turkey.

In Egypt, the almandine variety was the most powerful of all gemstones because it resembled the color of blood and the rising sun. It was treasured as an amulet to ward of misfortune and dark energy.

Up until the 19th Century, the Garnet was so widely available that almost anyone could afford it and as a result of that abundance it was considered a “gemstone of the poor”.

Popular among Greeks and Romans, during the middle ages Garnet was used to enhance the truth and to dispel melancholy. It was also used as a stone for warriors and served as a talisman during the crusades for both Christians and Muslims.

Garnet has been around for so long that it has its own legends and lore. It is a strong stone that can evoke intense feelings and zooms in on the primal fire of chaos that creation comes from.

It is believed that Garnet was one of the stones in the breastplate of the high priest. Garnet is also sacred to Native Americans, South American Indians, Aztecs, African Tribal Elders, and the Mayan cultures.

While all types of Garnet provide a grounding energy and expedites the increase of one’s awareness of internal creative power; it is also good for psychic protection and increasing one’s willpower and has a deep connection to the feminine life force polarity.

Garnet is one of the best stones to use for drawing romantic love to you but also helping you to get into a mode of receptivity for that love to find you. While any of the Garnets can be used for this purpose, Spessartine Garnet specifically works with sacral chakra energy and encourages confidence and creativity.

Almandine Garnet, the deep red resonates with both the root chakra and deep love in romantic partnerships. Andradite also works for attracting romantic encounters while the Grossular variety is a stone of prosperity, abundance, and encourages you to be of service.

Pyrope Garnet helps you to own any psychic gifts and abilities that you may have and the beautiful green Garnet Uvarovite is excellent for the heart chakra promoting prosperity, spiritual partnerships, and peace. Garnet is also the gift for a second, sixth, or nineteenth-year wedding anniversary.

Perhaps the most romantic story of the crystal Garnet is its symbolic association of the speedy return of a lost or separated love. The story behind this comes from Greek mythology and the lore of Persephone and Hades. Hades gave Persephone pomegranate seeds to ensure that she would return to him quickly. Garnet has had a long association with pomegranates and because of this, it can also be given as a gift to a partner before leaving on a trip.

That’s it for the metaphysical properties of Garnet. A little short and sweet this time around and no video to boot (you know those post-shadow energies😉). We have Garnet available in the store in both jewelry and raw stones. Pliny the Elder was on to something because these are stunning specimens of Garnet at Crystal Spirit Spiritual Center; come down and see for yourself. Until next time Crystal Lovers!