Clear Quartz Crystals

Clear Quartz Crystals

I was told I had to stay under 250 words for this blog post…  Let me say this first, Quartz Crystals are by far one of the most abundant crystals you will find in the world.  They are found everywhere around the world, for the purpose of this post we will be talking about Clear Quartz.

Clear Quartz can be used to help amplify energy up to 1500 times!  (I have even read in some old metaphysical literature that that number needs to be in the millions) This means Clear Quartz can help amplify other stones properties just by being next to them.  Clear Quartz can also amplify our thoughts, and is an excellent tool to be used when manifesting with Crystal Grids!

The Clarity of Clear Quartz can help one see what they cannot see in their lives.  Shining a light on what we cannot see, to help us become more clear in our lives.  You can program Clear Quartz for a plethora of reasons as well.

The largest area of Clear Quartz in the world is in Arkansas USA.  Some of the mines have pulled out Crystal Clusters in the millions of dollars!  The most famous mine of all in Arkansas is the Coleman Mine, some of the largest specimens of clear quartz in the world are pulled out of there.  We are excited that one of our vendors has a mine just over from the Coleman Mine, and now his mine is starting to bring out some of the larger crystals.  We have a few of those Clear Quartz Crystals here at Crystal Spirit for you to see and hold!