Choosing Crystals for Yourself, Friends, and Family

Choosing a Crystal for Yourself, Friends, and Family

The holidays are right around the corner and you may have some people that are left on your list to buy for or even just some people that you know could benefit from connecting with crystals and stones but you have a very limited idea of how to pick one out for them. Wanting to give a meaningful gift but also wanting to make sure it’s the right one for them; how do you choose? Do you go by there favorite color, zodiac sign,or month they were born in?

The answer is that there is no wrong choice or method of choosing.

When it comes to picking out a crystal for a friend, loved one, or even yourself; the best advice is to go with your gut. Often when you are out looking at crystals there will be one that strikes your eye, that one that you keep going back to. This is your higher awareness informing you that the stone needs to go home with you or that it’s the stone that the person in mind really needs currently.

Sometimes it helps to know the metaphysical properties of the crystal in question, but here at Crystal Spirit Spiritual Center, we have found time and time again that letting the intuition lead you to the right crystal works nearly every time. There are other cues to help you determine which stone your higher self is calling you to work with.

Sometimes, when you touch the stone that is “the one” you will get a warm chill that will come over you. Like the kind you get in the presence of your favorite grandparent or when you get into deep meditation and connect with your spiritual team. There will be a sense of calm that comes over you and it just feels right. This can be especially noticeable with palm stones.

Palm stones are crystals that are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand but bigger than a traditional tumbled stone. These are often used to aid in meditation and as worry stones. While any crystal can be used for this purpose, what is noticeable with palm sized stones is that the stone will feel like a part of your hand and not separate from it. Once you touch a stone like this that is meant to go home with you, you’ll likely have a hard time putting it down and if you don’t end up taking it home with you, it might haunt your dreams, your thoughts, or the name or references to the stone will keep appearing in your life. These are referred to as synchronicities.

Other times, the crystal will produce a warm flush. Suddenly, even if it’s chilly, you’ll need to take off a layer or you may even start to sweat some.  You might feel warmth moving throughout your body starting from the hand you are touching the stone with. We’ve even been told that the warmth can hit all at once and pulsate through the body too. It’s easy to dismiss this reaction until you put down the stone and your body will start to feel normal again.

One of the most interesting ways a stone can call out to you is through making itself appear bolder, brighter, and sparkly forcing you to focus on only it. Just like in the movies where two people who meet for the first time and are attracted to each other. They lock eyes across the room and everything else becomes a blur except for that person. Sounds like complete hogwash that this could occur with a crystal…until it happens to you.

One of our fellow crystal lovers experienced this and told us about a piece of raw Shattuckite that glittered like a piece of Goldstone the first time they saw it. They felt a little confused once they unwrapped it at home. If you know anything about Shattuckite, it does not have a sparkly look to it, especially when raw.

As a reminder, the last day to shop before we close for end of the year inventory is Sunday, December 22 so  you  have a few  more  days  to  come  pick  out  that  perfect meaningful  gift.

When it comes to choosing a stone for yourself, friend, or loved one; let your intuition lead the way. It’s also OK if, intuition aside, you are still having difficulty deciding on a crystal. Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist you in making your decision. It’s truly the best part of job. See you soon crystal lovers!