Category: Energy Healing

Getting Metaphysical with the Crystal Labradorite

The geology of Labradorite is fascinating; this is truly a unique stone in the mineral kingdom. The esoteric and metaphysical properties are just as mind blowing. Labradorite is a stone of magic! Inuit legend says that it fell as frozen fire from the northern lights. It helps to stimulate magic in your life by getting […]

Getting Metaphysical with the Crystal Amethyst

Amethyst After talking about Citrine last week, we thought it’s a great time to look at its sister, Amethyst. Amethyst is another crystal that is considered an old-world stone. Geologically speaking, Amethyst forms in the same way as citrine and the differences between them is small enough to be covered in one post so we’re […]

Chlorite Quartz

Element: Storm and Earth Hardness: 7 Metaphysical Properties: Regeneration, self-healing, high frequency connection to devic realms. Chlorite quartz is an excellent choice if you are pursuing meditation and grounding. By meditating with this crystal it’s easier to pick up on the sources that are causing dis-ease. It is a great transmuter of negative self-talk and […]

Practitioner Hallway

Practitioner Hallway At Crystal Spirit Spiritual Center, we are very proud of the fact that we have an entire wing of our store dedicated to a group of practitioners.  These practitioners work with an array of healing modalities and rent space from us on a monthly basis.  Having practitioners that call Crystal Spirit their home […]

Clear Quartz Crystals

Clear Quartz Crystals I was told I had to stay under 250 words for this blog post…  Let me say this first, Quartz Crystals are by far one of the most abundant crystals you will find in the world.  They are found everywhere around the world, for the purpose of this post we will be […]

Rose Quartz Crystals

Rose Quartz Crystals There is a pink crystal called Rose Quartz that is an amazing ally for anyone to have in their crystal arsenal.  Now what makes this crystal stand out from some of the other ones you may see in our shop?  Rose Quartz is all about self-love and love for others.  Very rarely […]

What Exactly is Energy Healing?

So lately maybe you have been hearing people talking about Energy Healing, well, what exactly is energy healing anyways?  It is based on the principle that out bodies are made up of not only the physical matter, but also the energetic blueprint as well.  This energetic body can sometimes become damaged throughout life.  An energy […]